Tip 1: Showcase a strong visual identity

Your brand is what your customers are saying, thinking, and feeling about your business. In essence, it is the perception of you that they hold in their minds.

Your brand tells the world who you are, what you are about, and how you are different from your competitors, especially if you offer similar products and services in the same industry.

Naturally, every business wants to increase their brand awareness. Often, that is easier said than done – especially if you have not taken a strategic approach to your brand’s development. The fact of the matter is, brands are ever-changing, so do not be afraid to evolve.

In this article, we will discuss three brand development tips to help your business align with the heads and hearts of your customers.

Tip 2: Maintain a consistent voice and tone

Every word your brand speaks needs to align with your key message.

A good tagline can summarise what your brand stands for in just a few words, but you cannot just rely on a one-liner. Your website, brochures, radio ads, all your messaging, and even your automated out-of-office replies all need to maintain a consistent voice and tone.

Voice and tone are more than what you say, they are how you say it. Make sure your copy reflects your brand and is consistent across all of your channels – whether that is cool and casual, polished and professional, or warm and welcoming.

Tip 3: Make your presence known

If you want to stay relevant, you need to be where your customers are. It is important to speak to your customers in the right way, at the right time, and through the right channels.

Conduct research and find out where your key customers are spending their time. If you are a B2B business, there is a good chance you will find them on LinkedIn. If you are a corporate uniform supplier, it might be in catalogues, or if you are a business consultant, at networking events and expos.

Make sure you use your chosen space thoughtfully. Use LinkedIn to be a thought leader in your industry. Use catalogues to showcase your work, or use events and expos to make connections and leave a lasting impression.

Do not forget, you still need to look, feel, and sound the part – first impressions count!

Let us get you on track!

At The Station, we provide a full suite of marketing services, including creative graphic design, copywriting, social media management, print production, automation technology, augmented reality, and much more.

To get started, talk to our team of marketing experts today.